Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Weight Loss Plan With Fad Diets - What Is Wrong With Them?

If you do a fad diet and it helps you lose weight fast and get results, what can be wrong with that?

Surley you have seen many ads on the internet and in magazines that say that you can get a huge weight loss in only a few days time.

Is this type of weight loss really possible? Yes - but... in almost every instance the weight loss from a fad diet is temporary and usually due to loss of water weight. Our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water so as soon as your body rehydrates itself you will put that quick weight loss right back on.

What are some of the reasons a fad diet is not good for you?

1. A fad diet usually tells you to focus on a single food type and avoid all others. This means you miss out on the nutrition you really need and can get from a more balanced diet approach.

Quite often these fad diets will even tell you to take vitamins and supplements to make up for all the nutritional deficiencies you experience while on that fad diet. However, your body will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the recommended supplements unless you take them with food. And many of the foods that help you absorb nutrients are banned on fad diets.

2. Fad diets are usually so restrictive and unappetizing that after as little as one day you will begin having overwhelming cravings for other foods and most likely you will not be able to complete the fad diet. This quitting will also wreak havoc on your self esteem as you may beat yourself up for not having enough willpower to stick it out with the diet.

3. Fad diets are temporary solutions to your weight problems. Even if you do follow through to the end with a fad diet you have not made permanent healthy changes to the way you handle food in your life. So fad dieters tend to be yo-yo dieters that go back and forth between extreme lo-calorie fad diets to periods of bingeing on food groups that were missing from the fad diet. So fad dieters are on a roller coaster of gaining and losing the same darn pounds again and again.

No matter what you see in the media about quick weight loss fad diets, realize that these diets will never work long term.

The best way to lose weight and sustain that weight loss (so you never have to diet again) is to eat a variety of healthy foods, avoid overeating, and do regular exercise. This simple formula works every time.

                                   WATCH THIS VIDEO TO LEARN MORE

Weight Loss for Teenage Girls - Teaching Healthy Eating Habits

Unfortunately, weight loss for teenage girls frequently means, for many, improper dieting. These crash diets or experimentation with laxatives and diet pills can often lead to eating disorders, malnutrition and other significant health problems.

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, almost 70% of girls have tried to lose weight or go on a diet prior to their eighteenth birthday. This means kids are making the effort to drop the pounds - but do they really need it, and are they doing so in a way that's truly helpful?

Instead of simply encouraging your teenage daughter to eat healthy meals, it's also important to instruct her on healthy weight management habits that she can use for the rest of her life.

To learn how you can teach your child healthy weight management and weight loss habits, keep reading.

Encourage Gradual Weight Loss

If your child does actually need to shed some weight, a responsible parent should always encourage slow and gradual weight loss. The ideal rate for weight loss is 1-to-2 pounds per week. Anything more is often an indication of poor nutrition.

Additionally, rapid weight loss is often only temporary with the surprising likelihood of not only regaining all that was dropped but also continuing to gain beyond the original weight. Such a see-saw pattern is not only discouraging, but it unhealthy for the heart.

In contrast, weight loss that's gradual is more likely to be sustained in the long term.

Cut Out Fizzy Drinks

Among the greatest weight gain culprits for teens is high-sugar beverages like soda, energy drinks and sugary juices. Instead of routinely serving or providing these, encourage your teen to drink water as a replacement for the other calorie-laden liquids.

Make It a Family Affair
The best approach to teaching your teenager healthy eating patterns is to practice at home. If you don't already do so, stock your kitchen with healthy foods, prepare well-rounded meals, and provide snacks that are nutritious, filling, and tasty.

When it comes to needed weight loss, teens who have the support of their families are often much more successful at weight loss and maintenance than those who do not. In addition, children who grow up trained in healthy habits at home tend to embrace them for the rest of their lives.

Make Breakfast a Priority

Teenage girls frequently skip breakfast - whether because they don't feel hungry, are running late, or think doing so will help them lose weight. The truth is, taking a few extra minutes for your daughter to eat a nutritious breakfast will not only fuel the body and brain, but will also kick-start her metabolism, meaning she'll burn more calories throughout the day.

Discuss Body Issues
If you suspect your teen is wrestling with her weight or has body image issues, it's critical to discuss these concerns with her openly. You should resist the temptation to chastise or blame her for extra weight or poor dietary habits.

Rather, encourage your daughter to open up about eating patterns, whether her goal is truly a diet, why dieting has become such a priority (if indeed it has), and her own body image concerns. Weight loss for teenage girls is a touchy subject, but parents should not consequently allow the discussion to go ignored. Her lifetime health is at stake.